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Saturday, June 7, 2014

C4T#1P Project#6

And You Thought it Could Not Be Done: Blogging in Math
In the post “And You Thought it Could Not be Done: Blogging in Math”, Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano from Langwitches was surprised to see Math teachers blogging in what is primarily used for Language Arts teachers. I think this is a great idea for all teachers to Blog. It would be a good way for parents to keep up with what their children are learning and also get to know the teacher. It would be a fun way for the children to learn. Let’s face it, for most people math is not fun. Why not take a subject and make it fun to learn?

Blogging as Pedagogy: Facilitate Learning
What is the meaning of the word PEDAGOGY? According to Wikipedia, it means, ”the art or science of teaching”. In the post, Blogging as Pedagogy: Facilitate Learning, Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano from Langwitches discusses the benefits of blogging in areas such as:Reading, Writing, Reflecting, and Sharing. By blogging, a teacher can enhance the techniques and strategies that they use in teaching a class. This applies to any subject area. Blogging can help in Reading and Writing by enhancing students’ skills, helping students be creative, and helping by giving students choices in how they share their creativity. This is just a few ways that blogging can help students with their Reading and Writing. By Reflecting, teachers can see what their strengths and weaknesses are, as well as their students' strengths and weaknesses. By sharing, students are able to share their work with others and respond to others’ posts. This helps with learning technolgy, which is a must for all students. I enjoyed this post because I hope that by the time I become a teacher, most, if not all schools will have blogging for their students. I know I have learned so much in a short time with blogging.

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