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Sunday, July 13, 2014


Companies and People Must Adapt in the Social Age

In this blog post by Angela Maiers, she discusses the book “A World Gone Social: How Companies Must Adapt to Survive”, by Ted Coine and Mark Babbitt. Ms. Maiers had an interview with both Ted Coine and Mark Babbitt, where she asked them how they would define this new age and what it means for individuals and organizations. They said that the Social Age is not the Technology Age. Even though technology is important, it is simply a tool to communicate. What is the Social Age is our changing interactions. The way students are taught has changed. Students are taught in a way that will prepare them for careers. Socializing is key to being able to prosper in the work field. The Social Age benefits us because it gives us the opportunities to be a voice. We are able to communicate because of the web. We find people with similar interests. But technology is just the tool we use to be able to communicate.

#ISTE14 is Over but the Learning is Just Getting Started

In this blog post Angela Maiers discusses the things she experienced at the ISTE Conference in Atlanta from June 28 thru July 1, 2014. She shares her top ten WOW moments that she had while there. Number one was human connections where people were able to meet new and interesting people. Some will be lasting friendships. Her second WOW moment was just being able to see her friends shine in their expertise. Number three is that all the people in the room discussed “You Matter” when it comes to education. Every staff and member would get a “You Matter” t-shirt. For her number four Wow moment, Ms. Maiers was able to give her first ‘Naked Keynote’. She would not have been able to do that if her friends had not pushed her in the right direction. Number five was that there was a room full and they were honoring student passion and genius. Number six, Ms. Maiers took her first selfie. Number seven was that the food was great (chicken and waffles). WOW moment number 8 was that Twitter was very active. Number nine was “YOU Matter” is the most important words in education. WOW moment number ten is the effort the community puts in to keeping learning alive.

Angela Maiers

Angela Maiers

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